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Leadership and Governance

We are front-line educationalists who believe in changing lives. We do not believe in unnecessary bureaucracy. Our partners are active in strategic decision-making and operational delivery, and they hold the hubs to account for the quality of service we offer to the region. The leadership and governance structure of our hubs is represented here:

Leadership & Governance Structure

Strategic Groups

The strategic group for each hub consists of an independent chair, key partners representing all phases, stages and provisions, the Executive Director of Teaching School Hubs, a representative from each local authority, and a colleague from the Research School Network who is also the voice of the many CPD stakeholders with whom we work, including curriculum hubs, the Science Learning Partnership, EdTech Demonstrator and other DfE-accredited providers.

You can download our Strategic Group Terms of Reference, including membership, here:


“The strategic and operational expertise within the partnership is a powerful vehicle for the delivery of world-class professional development.”

Extract from our bid to become teaching school hubs.

Expert Delivery

An open recruitment process for delivery leads has enabled us to draw upon the best operational leadership that exists in the partnership. Our expert delivery groups maximise expertise and local intelligence across the teaching school hub core functions including initial teacher training, the Early Career Framework (and the Appropriate Body sub-committee), the National Professional Qualifications and CPD, with responsibility for communication, engagement, advocacy, quality and compliance. The chair is elected by the group.

“Collaboration is a key part of the success of any organization, executed through a clearly defined vision and mission and based on transparency and constant communication.”

Dinesh Pialiwal

The CPD Expert Delivery Group also acts as a panel who assess which CPD programmes we can signpost from our hubs against criteria informed by the five pillars of the Standard for Professional Development and the recently-published EEF guidance report for Effective Professional Development.

Their Terms of Reference, including group membership, can be downloaded here:


Membership of all groups is subject to eligibility criteria as appropriate to the group. If you wish to contribute to the wider system through our hub activities, please contact Jo.Twiby.


The teaching school hubs operate with high levels of accountability. A sub-committee, reporting to the Delta Board of Trustees, has been established in order that we follow appropriate and transparent decision-making processes, and the interests of all stakeholders are protected. Our bi-annual meetings are discursive and designed to hold the teaching school hubs to account for meeting the Key Performance Indicators set by the Department for Education and represent excellent value for money.

The Terms of Reference can be downloaded here:

Terms of Reference ETH Sub CommitteeDownload

Using partnership and service-level agreements, we provide clarity around our offer and the commitment required from schools to ensure contracting around fidelity to our programmes. A robust quality assurance framework is being co-constructed with partners, setting clear high-level expectations around each strand.

Delta Academies Trust takes seriously its role as Guarantor to deliver on TSH KPIs. As part of our commitment to the wider system, Delta has allocated £2.6m to the development of a state-of-the-art conferencing centre, which will act as a coalescing point for professional partnerships and a resource for the region.

If you have any questions about our leadership and governance structure,
please contact Jo Twiby